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KNEM/KNMO is THE place to find local news and community events. Updated daily. Their "Big Deals" page offers savings coupons & discounts. Click the logo to visit. 

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TNTR is your trusted source for conservative news from around the country & the world. TNTR brings top news sites together on one website. There are also sections for state and local issues. 


Community Outreach

229 N Cedar - 417-667-4339

Public Housing (visit website for services)

Senior Center

301 N Main St - 417--667-5847

Farmers' Market

Now through October

Saturdays at the Fairgrounds

9:00 to 1:00

NRMC Farmer's Market

Each Tuesday

6/8/2020 - 9/29/2020

3 - 6 P.M.

NRMC North Parking Lot

Get your Concealed Carry permit

Date: TBD, possibly December

Available through the VC Sheriff's Office. Classroom instruction followed by range qualification at 54 Shooters. Classes are forming. Check back for dates.

For more info call the sheriff's office at 417-283-4400, #3.

See What's Playing - Theater or Live
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Century 6 Cinema
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Fox Playhouse


Click HERE or 

Call Charlene Hanock at

(417) 684-4988

to schedule out of town trips

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Services for new or moving residents


Electric: KCPL - 888-544-4852

Gas: Empire Gas - 800-798-0185

Water: City of Nevada - 110 S Ash, 417-448-2700


Cable: Fidelity - 417-667-2857

Neighborhood Watch
FB Links

Community Calendars

While the community copes with adjustments due to coronavirus concerns and precautions, please be sure to check with any specific business or event planner for the most current information. You can also check HERE for updates as well.  

Parks & Rec

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Griffons Schedule

See the Event Highlights section below for detailed information on specific events. 

Events & Info

Repeating Events 
See specific calendars above for other scheduled events.

Neal Center   

Sundays & Thursdays - Tai Chi

Tuesdays & Thursdays - Strength & Balance

Sundays, Wednesdays, & Fridays - Polish Poker

Thursdays & Fridays - Bingo

Thursdays - Dominoes

Fridays - Pitch

Community Center

(Click the flyers to enlarge)


Open Pickleball Gym

Tuesdays -  5:30 - 8:00

Thursdays - 5:30 - 8:00

Saturday Mornings - 9:00am - 2:00 pm


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Other Monthly Events

Bushwhacker Quilt Guild

Meets 2nd Thursday, monthly, 7pm, at the Moore-Few Community Room. Call Erica at Nine Patch Quilt for more information: 417-667-7100

Vernon County Republicans

Meets 1st Monday, monthly, 5:30pm, at the First Christian Church fellowship hall.  

Visit their website for more information.

Coffee & Conversation with Mayor Knox

Meets the 4th Thursday of each month, 8:00am to 9:00am at Precision Coffee. Contact the Chamber for more information. 417-667-5300

Many of the following physicians can be seen in NRMC medical clinic, located on the 2nd floor of the south tower of the hospital. 

800 S. Ash St.

Call (417) 448-2121 for an appointment.


Specialty Care Includes:
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Ear, Nose & Throat
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Pulmonology
  • Rheumatology
  • Urology
  • Wound Card
Professional Practice Includes:
  • General Surgery

  • Gynecology & OB
  • Internal Medicine
  • Podiatry
  • Pediatrics

800 S. Ash
(417) 667-3355

Medical Clinic at NRMC

800 S. Ash

NowCare Clinic
345 S. Barrett St
(417) 448-2439

Performance Therapy
(Physical & Speech)
345 S. Barrett St

(417) 448-3790

Primary Care
627 S Ash St, Ste B
(417) 448-3600

NRMC Needs Money...again....

- Editorial

A mere two years ago Nevada Regional Medical Center (NRMC) was once again financially in dire straights. It needed money. It always need money. As a result, voters approved a sales tax ballot measure to bring an estimated $750,000 into the hospital coffers, coupled with approximately the same amount being added through a new CMS designation of "sole community hospital" that would provide additional reimbursements for certain services provided by the hospital. The purpose was to finance a 20 year bond issue, the debt service for which would amount to $1.5 Million per year. The selling point to the voters was if the hospital failed and closed, the City Council could stop the assessment of the sales tax. In other words, tax payers would not be on the hook for the debt if the hospital were no longer a part of the City's "assets".


Fast forward two years, and the hospital needs money again. Not surprising because it doesn't appear they've done anything to rein in spending or waste. NRMC is now asking the council to put a refinance of those same bonds on the April 2023 ballot. A straight refinance of the existing debt would drop the yearly payments to an estimated $960,000. However, the hospital isn't satisfied with just reducing their debt load. They never are.  Instead, they would like to add another $6 million to that lug and refinance the entire amount for twenty more years, thereby reducing the debt only $100,000.....for a hospital continuously in trouble financially, and with such big numbers being thrown around, $100,000 isn't much. Here's an added Bonus: This time, it's likely the taxpayers would be on the hook regardless of whether or not the hospital remains open for business!


Nowhere was there any mention of scaling back, reducing services, analyzing which departments could be profitable and which needed to be eliminated. Equally stunning, the bleak financial diagnosis wasn't over. Jason Anglin, NRMC CEO, went on to point out NRMC owes $2 million to Freeman, $1.65 million to Long Term Care (payback triggered by 70 days cash on hand that means repayment is not likely), payback of the balance of $1.6 million for the 2017 purchase the property east of the hospital - also "borrowed" from Long Term Care, and an estimated $4 million they anticipate will have to be repaid to the government over the next four years for over payments under the sole community hospital program, formally known as 341B.


This outlandish scenario was laid out before the City Council by Anglin. Councilman Vickers commented he couldn't imagine who would loan them money.  Then, Councilman Vickers asked another question, "Is the rumor true you are trying to buy the Nevada Medical Clinic?" The astounding response from Anglin was, "Yes, but I can't discuss it...." You read that right, Dear Reader. Despite being financially strapped with a beyond bleak outlook, despite owing millions and millions to various entities, despite holding their hand out and expecting taxpayers to once again pony up the cash, the hospital is indeed moving full scale ahead to purchase the medical clinic and the property it sits on! After all, it's only YOUR money they're continuously squandering. Councilman Vickers correctly pointed out the purchase would result in an immediate need to refurbish the building, and estimated the cost would be a minimum of $50,000. Rumor now has it that for various legal reasons, along with financial ones, the deal is being owner financed!


To its credit, the City has commissioned The Rural Hospital Group to analyze the feasibility of the hospital's request. What really needs to happen is a reckoning between the City, the taxpayers, and NRMC. It is past time the hospital came to grips with the fact it cannot continue in the manner of the past several decades, spending with abandon and without introspection or a master plan. It is time our hospital became an urgent care facility, analyzed truthfully what departments and services need to be cut, and then act accordingly. It is also time the City took an active interest in NRMC's financial solvency and demanded accountability. Ultimately, we need a buyer who will make the necessary adjustments while ultimately removing the hospital as a city owned facility. Taxpayers have been injured enough by a hospital that is supposed to be dedicated to healing, not inflicting more injury.


Click the PDF file to read the scope of services to be provided by The Rural Hospital Group.

Local News
Barone Closure - The City Council Refused to Step In

The City Council refused to utilize its authority to step in, expand the Long Term Care Board, give control to a group of business people working to prevent its closure, rein in out of control spending, streamline functions, and secure additional funding. The letter below was sent to council members from the families and advocates for this facility. Barone is the ONLY free standing Alzheimer's Memory Care Facility in the entire state of Missouri. Advocates are now working to find a private buyer for the center.

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Date:         September 14, 2022

To:             Mayor Knox and Council Members

From:        The Barone Family & Advocates

Subject:    Tuesday’s Council Meeting 9/6/22


Mayor Knox and Councilwoman Gallagher, we would like to thank you both for your support of our efforts to save Barone. Your concern and your courage at the September 6th council meeting is appreciated. We think if Councilman Miles had been there, your voices would have carried the day. We regret his absence, but are grateful for your efforts.

Our response to Councilman Eberhard’s irritation with the limited applications presented is to say you got applications from the people we trust. Time is critical, and no one is beating down the doors to be on the Long Term Care Board. Your “handpicked board” wasted nine months of opportunity. They did nothing to cut waste, reduce spending, or find money. They blamed lack of grant money on our economic developer. Our five might have made the difference. We will never know. Your NO vote robbed them and us of the chance. You say you care, Mr. Eberhard, but you angrily dismissed our support for the proposed new board members because we didn’t ask your permission before recommending them. Your actions don’t match your words.  Now, you are telling people to “trust you” and “give you thirty days”.

You forfeited our trust on Tuesday.


To Councilman Vickers, we will simply say we are shocked and appalled by Tuesday’s rude behavior. The disregard for citizens of this community is reprehensible. Calling us a “mob” and dismissing our efforts with comments like “you think you’re the smartest people in the room” is belittling, condescending rhetoric that had no place in a council meeting. We came to you with a proposed solution, and you couldn’t wait to slap our hands, and put us in timeout. 

You have also lost our trust and support.


The five people we recommended earned our trust, and that is the reason you received five applications. These are business people who could have provided one last chance to salvage this disaster. They have uncovered issues, waste, and possible sources for funding that the existing board was at a loss to do. At a recently recorded LTCB meeting, our board asked yours several serious questions and received nonsensical responses. Here are just a few examples: (1) Q. Why haven’t you looked for funding? A: We have! We contacted the economic developer early on, and he only recently got back to us! (So…it’s Ben’s fault?)  (2) Q: What is your plan to mitigate the trauma these people will endure, per Maureen Short’s council meeting discussion? A: We’re going to drive them around, move their belongings, and take them to Moore-Few….. (That’s what passes for a serious plan?) (3) Comment by Mr. Wells: Maybe we’ll build a whole new Barone next to the hospital. Q: Are you talking about the Lovinger property? A: Yes. Q: Are you not aware LTC leased that property to NRMC, and it transfers to them in fifteen years from date of purchase? A: What? It’s leased?  


Additionally, one of our proposed board members pointed out at the council meeting the ARPA ordinance contained almost $40,000 for possibly unneeded software PLUS an additional $2600 ongoing monthly fee. That individual suggested you table the ordinance and get answers before approving such a large amount of money. Instead, you ignored the suggestion and showed all of us who’s in charge by approving it anyway. Our board members have since confirmed it appears not to be needed. As Barone’s doors close, Moore-Few already has electronic charting software. Per their custodian of records, “Both buildings "chart" electronically. There is some overlap with paper documents  needed in a physical chart”. Is there another reason to still spend $40,000? We don’t know, and neither do you. Our efforts to uncover the truth get stonewalled at every opportunity, but certainly the council could have paused long enough to get answers. The same is true of the additional equipment Barone staff added to the list. If they move to Moore-Few, are those items still needed? Yet more prudent questions with no fiscally responsible answers.


Two members of our proposed board toured Moore-Few on September 8th. We will start by saying the sterile environment needed for Alzheimer’s patients is totally unfair to existing Moore-Few residents and further proof this “plan” is inappropriate for housing two drastically different levels of care. Moore-Few still did not have working locks on doors, glass removed from pictures, pictures screwed down, locks on interior doors, hot water issues solved in resident rooms, puzzle pieces within easy grasp removed, and they still plan to give Barone residents will have free roam of the entire facility. Regardless of the ongoing dangers, family members are now receiving calls weekly asking if we are moving our loved ones to Moore-Few.

Note: “We will not make a decision until we know safety is not an issue, and that day has not yet arrived”.


We are angry and disappointed, and the purpose of this memo is to let two of you know you don’t get to be bullies without at least receiving a response from the bullied. You, Mr. Eberhard and you, Mr. Vickers, do not get to speak so disrespectfully to the Barone family members without a reply. We are the people you are accountable TO, and we will not forget how little you think of us.


Finally, we hope you act to rein in the entity that is really at the center of the issues surrounding medical care problems in Nevada, and that is NRMC. We all agree we need some version of a hospital in our community, but the hospital in its current form is a cancer devouring everything in its path. “Borrowing” over $3,000,000 has killed Barone, Moore-Few is on life support, and after it, too, is dead and gone, what is left to gobble up? Will taxpayers be expected to again cough up funding while hospital leadership refuses to face facts and does nothing to change course? Is the rumor NRMC plans to purchase the medical clinic true? Are they to be the next victim? If it is true, how is it NRMC can purchase yet another entity but doesn’t have the funds to repay LTC? We hope the council won’t take the same hands-off attitude and wait until it is too late to finally act. If an ordinance needs rewriting to give you the ability to step in, then rewrite it and do so.

We are fed up, and this town is fed up.



The Barone Family & Advocates

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